Tuesday 2 August 2011

Prerna: THIS IS ME

"Hello! Before I go ahead with any of those clichéd introductions about myself or this blog that I'm attempting to write, I would want to tell you'll that I have never done this before nor had I ever thought of doing it, may be coz I always thought I'm too young. But as they say age is just a number!

Moreover if lords are writing our destiny then we shall follow them.. okay I now I get a little philosophical at times, (all thanks to my experienced elders and siblings) but I'll try to keep the evil feeling of boredom far away from us.

 Now getting back from what I am to what I do is nothing out of this world but it is a major part of my world. And every ordinary person always has an extra-ordinary story behind him.

So keeping the 'extra' part for the later and moving ahead with my ordinary life that I have is of a normal 10 years of schooling from an ICSE board followed by 2 years of high school from the best college in town and now doing BMM from a college which is not the best but way better than the rest! A wonderful life with not many friends but definitely the few best ones to cherish for your lifetime. And a beautiful family with lots of love, support, and an unbreakable attachment. Touche.

Now enough about me and very excited that I am about this write up and I'm equally nervous about the opinions and views that I'm going to get. After all, first impression normally remains the last impression. I'll get back soon with higher hopes and expectations and now end my first attempt  with a very short and one of my favourite sayings to add the cherry on this cake.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could, some blunders and absurdities have crept in, forget them soon. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. -Emerson 


You see the world as you want to see.

Hello all! I'm back with yet another small message from my side for the day. Talking about the first blog which went out very well, or at least better than what I expected. I got mixed opinions and comments which put me in a fix. Some genuinely loved it whereas some pretended to love it, Hypocrites! Some pointed out the mistakes and helped me correct them, Mwah! And some dint show interest at all! For various reasons, either they were busy. blah! Or they might be my "enemies". Sigh! But doesn't matter because "enemies are your best critics and criticism indeed acts like your best friend." Or may be some were just plain ‘jealous’.

Oh! Here I get my topic for the day. See how sharp writing makes your mind. Well, jealousy is not something I enjoy thinking or discussing about but it is such a heartrending feeling that just plays on my mind even if it is either you who is going through it or even if you have been attacked by someone else's green eyes. Jealousy is a mixed emotion. It can either be positive or negative. It can be a beginning of a war or also a beginning of new and a beautiful feeling of love in your relationship.

Jealousy is sweet but at times it can also become evil. If seeing your friend getting attracted to someone else and not you makes you jealous that means you are falling in love with that someone. If you are already in a relationship and seeing your partner getting fascinated by someone else makes you jealous that means you care and it shows how much the person means to you that it becomes so hard to watch him even look at someone else. But, not to misunderstand me, too much of jealousy also does not remain sweet for long. At some point the ‘trust’ factor may also come in which you have to maintain to avoid any scuffle.

Getting back to my topic of discussion and leaving my extra ‘philosophies’ aside. Lol, you know me. :p No matter how painful jealousy is, it can be handled and can be taken in a positive attitude as well. If seeing your competitors win always, even after you working so hard, pinches you and makes you jealous then it is only for good coz that jealousy can give u a boost to work harder the next time. Make use of your anger and put all your aggression on the task in context and no one will dare to take it away from you the next time.

Look, even this devil jealousy can give u benefits in disguise. But what about other envious eyes constantly nagging you on every action of yours? Don’t bother friends , because jealousy is the best compliment. Every time you see a person getting jealous of you that just shows you have something that they don’t and which they desire. And the ones who act like a b****h, those poor losers are having an inferiority complex which again makes you the superior one.

To conclude, it is not only jealousy that can be taken positively but also any other negativity that puts you off every now and then. You got to be an optimist to live life to the fullest without any miseries and tensions. “You see the world as you want to see.”

And what you don’t want to see then just shut your eyes and pretend that if u cannot see the world then even the world cannot see you. I know I am gonna get zillions of fingers pointing at me for this statement of mine. But I couldn’t care less. Coz if this is what makes you happy, even if it is temporary, then nothing on this earth can be more important than that. Life is too short to be anything but Happy. So…

Kiss slowly, love deeply, forgive quickly.
Take chances and never have regrets.
Forget the past but remember what it taught you.